On the way to the car, I had to stop by the bathroom near the parking garage. I felt like I wet my pants. I chalked it up to just some discharge since my cervix had been checked a few times.
We got home and got settled for bed...we didn't know it would be our last night in our home just us! I was still on the blood pressure medicine and had to wake up thru the night to take it. The next day (Thursday the 28th) Will went to work and left breakfast by the bed along with about 4 full water bottles and a yeti cup full of ice. He also left my medicine by the bed since I wasn't allowed to get up unless it was to go to the bathroom or shower. He came home at lunch and did the same thing...except I was able to make it to the couch.
Later that evening, I noticed a small drip when I went to the bathroom. It wouldn't stop but it was very light. It was also clear which concerned me. I asked my friend Jonellen what she thought so she came over to the house. She just knew my water had broken! She and Will finally convinced me to call the hospital. I spoke with a nurse in triage who would give my information to the doctor on call.
A few minutes later Dr. Knowlton called me back (I didn't want to call because I didn't think it was anything...and I just KNEW that as soon as I said I was 35 weeks with mono-di twins he would say come in no matter what).
We headed to the hospital and called both of our parents to let them know. I got checked into triage and they started all of the tests. I had a nurse and what appeared to be a newer nurse with me. The nurse told her she only needed to ask the basic questions since I had just been at the hospital. About that time she walked around the bed, took a look at the test to check whether my water had broken, and said "nevermind...ask all the questions. Her water broke."
My heart dropped! I wasn't ready to meet these babies. But they were coming anyway! The next few hours were kind of a blur....Both of our parents got there. The nurse anesthitist came in, the anesthesiologist came by, the doctor came in (while they were shaving me, of course), and finally my nurse for the c section came by.
I was super nervous on the inside. My dad was hoping that it would take longer so that one baby would be born before midnight and the other right after. The scariest part of it all was when they wheeled me into the operating room and Will had to stay outside. It felt like they were going to forget to bring him in. I was so relieved when he finally got to come in. I think he had laser eyes and only looked at me when he walked in. He was so nervous he would see something he didn't want to. Just a little while later the anesthesiologist told Will to stand up that they were about to take Baby A out. Will's face lit up! I couldn't see the baby so I just looked at him. While listening to her cries, Baby B was born just a minute later. My heart dropped when I didn't hear two cries. Turns out she was breathing fine when she was crying but had trouble when she stopped crying. A nurse came by my head a few minutes later to explain everything and tell me that they were taking Baby B to the NICU. Will left immediately with Molly (baby b) to go to the NICU. While I was in recovery, they brought Harper to see me and try to breastfeed. A little bit later Molly was in the nursery and she came to see me too.
The funniest part of the night...
My dad was a nervous wreck and apparently had been pacing the whole time while in the waiting room. They heard the two lullabies over the speaker when the girls were born. Shortly after they brought Harper into the nursery. They all could see her in all her naked glory. She was stretching so big they said! A few minutes later they brought a second baby into the nursery...but it was a big black baby! My dad was so confused! hahaha he knew something was wrong. A little while later after Molly was settled in the NICU, Will left her to go explain what was going on to everyone waiting. My aunt and cousin stayed until Molly was released from the NICU but they weren't able to see her. My parent's came to see me in recovery and then Will's parents came in. Will was running around trying his best to check on all three of his girls who were all in different places. I was on magnesium since my blood pressure was so high so I had to stay in recovery for close to 3 hours. They finally moved me to a high risk room later that night. Will's parents had already left but my parents stayed until we got moved and settled into the new room.
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